This video is the definitive guide to gears in Trackmania. Big thanks to Nixotica for doing the voiceover for this video, since I wasn't able to due to my current audio situation. • Discord server - / discord • Other yt channel - / @thatskifreak • Nixotica on twitch: / nixotica • Mudda's sd video: • How to Speed Drift in Trackmania + BO... • Music: • Road Trip Adventure Music • Thanks to mime and anyone else who helped me to get all of the information correct. Thanks to Xefas for helping with the thumbnail. • Most of the maps/replays in the background were built/driven by me, but not all of them. You can find the map showcases on my second channel. • -------------------------------- • Chapters/Timestamps: • 0:00 Introduction to gears • 2:24 Taking advantage of gears • 3:13 Offroad concepts • 5:22 Gears on road • 7:12 Effect blocks • 7:41 Gears on ice • 8:00 TMGL player sliding out xdd • 8:15 WICKED FLIPS • 8:38 DO A BARREL ROLL! • -------------------------------- • #trackmania #guide #trackmania2020 #tutorial #speedrun #trackmaniaworldreocrds #worldrecord • Trackmania is a SPEEDRUNNING game where the objective is to set the FASTEST time on tracks HEFEST GOT THIS RUN you can drift you can drive very fast MICKA IS ICE GOD fullspeed, tech, speedtech MILLIONS of people compete for world records ICE 360 separated by THOUSANDTHS of a second SPEEDDRIFT and RIOLU was the PIONEER who created the SLOW MO block. Trackmania 2020 is the LATEST installment and features a lot of SURFACES MILLIONS of possibilities. Trackmania is a DETERMINISTIC game and everything can be RECREATED with PERFECT accuracy dream world record PULLING A VIRTUAL WIRTUAL. The game is very FUN and has the BEST COMMUNITY amongst all the games in the market. ELCONN DID THIS SHORTCUT. SPEEDRUN this GAMEBREAKING MECHANIC with the NEW bug NOSEBOOST BUGSLIDE TAS tool assisted speedrun I LOVE TRACKMANIA ESPORTS and the red engine off block that turns off the car's engine TMGL FORMAT IS THE BEST