Top landing on Gibson Knott


An ugly - but successful - top landing on the ridge of Gibson Knott, Grasmere. • The coll between Gibson Knott and Helm Crag is really the only option for top landing on this spine-backed ridge, but it sets up a fierce Venturi/ compression that accelerates the wind-speed. • The background wind on the ridge was 5 - 8mph, at 1,200ft, so light conditions really for the Lake District. • But, in the coll here, the wind has perhaps accelerated to at least my glider's trim speed. (22mph?) So i couldn't flare in the normal way - i would have just been blown back over the ridge. • I made a few passes, and it felt top-landable and so eventually i attempted it, but then slipped as i touched down and lost my balance... • You can't see it from the camera angle, but as I touched down, I was dragged backwards through a small mountain of sheep shit. Part of Grasmere's unique charm. • #paragliding


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