DETAILED Anatomy of the Heart Chambers
Grab a quick overview of the anatomy and function of the right atrium in this short video tutorial! Take a closer look here in our atlas: • Oh, are you struggling with learning anatomy? We created the ★ Ultimate Anatomy Study Guide ★ to help you kick some gluteus maximus in any topic. Completely free. Download yours today: • • The right atrium receives deoxygenated venous flow from the superior vena cava, the inferior vena cava, the coronary sinus and the anterior and smallest cardiac veins. It passes the blood to the right ventricle of the heart through the tricuspid valve, which has three cusps or leaflets, and is also known as the right atrioventricular valve. • The main anatomical features of the right atrium include the sinus venarum, which surrounds the openings of the superior and inferior vena cavae as well as the coronary sinus, which in turn are also major structures. The atrial walls are made up of pectinate muscles which form a pouch known as the right auricle. The crista terminalis separates the cardiac and smooth muscle layers of the atrial walls, while the interatrial septum divides the atria. • 0:17 Functions of the right atrium • 0:52 Anatomy of the right atrium • 1:32 Pectinate muscles • Want to test your knowledge on right atrium? Take this quiz: • • Read more on the atria of the heart in this article, including information about some of its related clincial disorders: • For more engaging video tutorials, interactive quizzes, articles and an atlas of Human anatomy and histology, go to