Woody Allen The Forgotten American Filmmaker Video Essay Interview

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A look at the filmmaker Woody Allen. If you like this video please share on Reddit! • #woodyallen #nyc #news #film #movies #videoessay #essay #woodyalleninterview • http://www.bostwiki.com • Original script w/ typos: • Woody allen has been making films for decades. With his first real film starting in 1969 and his most recent being this past year. Throughout his career He’s quietly put out more than 50 films.Now People my age probably know woody allen from Midnight in Paris and people my parents age might best remember him for Manhattan, but what people miss by not knowing his body of work is his unique position in film.woody allen is more than just one movie. He’s a bunch of dispare ideas, So let’s take a look at some. [1] Woody allen is an orginator of the romantic comedy. Playing around with the 90 minute boy-meets girl- genre in Love and Death and Play it again sam long before all of the tropes and cliches were establlised. and then held to relgiously • [2] He is also and father of dialogue drive narrative, found in everything today from 500 days of summer too, Aaron sorkin films, to Gilmore girls. • A Common mistake with the dialogue heavy movies is people mistake the beliefs of woody allen for that of his character, but pay attention to how the women’s actions and responses to his character. • Like here in manhattan people think Woody Allens feels the way his character does. But they forget he’s not just the actor and director, he’s the writer too. he created the girl and girl is saying no. • His work is a good example of trying to separate the art from the artist, even when it’s difficult. • [3] He was also one of the first American Filmmakers to go european. His films often dealing with questions of death, moral relatively, exsistentialism and the reason relationships fall apart. Borrowing from Fellini and ignmar bergman to tell thoughtful stories with but with american charm and humor rarely found in any movie from any country. [4]He also is the master of pace, in a time when films have a tendency to bloat (bloat both narratively and visually—interstellar—wolf of wall street— he instead is brutal. His average film coming in at a total of 87 minutes. Many of the scenes are simply shown with a master shot. Forgoing closes up to simply left the characters play out or even forgoing conventional together like in Husbands and wives, were he uses a hand held camera, and breaks the fourth wall 25 years before the office. 5]But its not just his movies, it’s his approach to movies. the thing I like about Woody Allen is he just works, in world we were see sequel after sequel, story stretched to trilogy and trilogies stretched to four movies. He just cranks them out. A movie a year, always moving forward never looking back. He’s done comedy, romantic, drama, thriller, documentary. But they all focus on one thing— the human element. Telling stories ground in reality. His movies while fictional are always trying to chip away at some larger truth about what it means to be human, a live, in a relationship. there is a bit of hemingway in Woody Allen even if he mocks him in Midnight in paris. And anyone who’s watched this channel knows there bit of woody allen in BostWiki. • So what we can learn from woody allen. Through his films we see That life is fickle and absurd but we must find work to occupy our mind. That work is good, and things will never arrive perfect. However It is better to make imperfect than imagine perfectly. Woody allen show us to be brutal in our own self assessments in both life and work, and cut out all unnesscary drama, or things that don’t propel us forward. That relationships are wonderful but they are not the be all end all of life.And that mocking the absurdity of our own actions is life often the best way to come to understanding with them. And lastly that’s healthly to good to live a diversified life. The woody allen character is often thought of as neurotic weak, but the real person, is constantly writing, and directing movies, playing his clarinet in jazz clubs, writing essays, doing stand of comedy, and raising kids. • Woody Allen, like so many of us he grew up romantic but not stupid. And As he got older it became clear the romantic ending found in fairytales were indeed fables, nothing more, there was no soul mate, no destiny, no grand gestures that win people back. Real life never plays out like that. In the real world Relationships are simply once nice thing in like life playing tennis or reading a good book, They’re not the garden of eden brought up to believe. And so his stories reflect that. Shifting the narrative away from idealizing people to to instead finding romance and fulfillment in work and cities. After all cities are a bit like women, Beautiful, uncontainable and more romantic in the rain


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