Olivia was watching corpse bride when she wrote this song. fact. • About this edit: • Will I ever stop editing with the Sour album? No. No I will not. • Idk how this hasn't been done yet like it just made so much sense to me...Obviously inspired by this wonderful vid cuz duh, • • ANYA + DIMITRI . DEJA VU • The beats in this song took me out to the point where I left this sitting for DAYS because I was over it. Also i think it's from Emily's perspective but it gets a little fuzzy cuz I was running out of Victoria scenes. lol. If you see any repeating scenes no you don't it's just deja vu (: • I also gave up with the beats towards the end so ignore that, I don't feel like fixing it. • My next upload was actually going to be another non/disney one but because of recent events cough TUDUM Bridgerton cough I may change my plan right now. • ___ • Song: (see title) Artist: (see description) • Program: Sony Movie Studio • Footage: The Corpse Bride