Shocking Weight Loss Effects Calorie Deficits Dark Side
This was my darkest era I am ashamed to speak about... • ____________ • FREE GOODIE: Find out why you are still overweight and learn how to finally get lean and stay that way for the rest of your life with this weight loss tool • Get inspired to eat more Whole plant-based foods with my inspirational Wall-Art (digital file) - buy it here • ____________ • - 3 Month 101 coaching • - 1 Month 101 coaching • - One Consultation • ____________ • Enter your Skinny Era by choosing to eat in an abundance of High-Carb Whole Foods, to reach satiety, never feeling hungry and deprived again, beating the cravings for good • Everyone's Chasing Calorie Deficits a... • How to lose weight without calorie deficit, but with low-calorie-density rule • Lose Weight WITHOUT Calorie Deficit |... • Why do your dietary beliefs (that plants don't have protein, carbs make you diabetic and obese, bananas make you fat, carbs are unhealthy, we need animal proteins, we need more fats, plants don't have fats, we need a calorie deficit to lose weight and many like these non-sense) keep you sick and overweight • Your BELIEFS About Calories, Carbs, F... • A High-Carb Whole Food Vegan diet has protein, High-Carb doesn't mean 100% carbs • Where Do You Get Protein as High-Carb... • The role of protein in our human cells is not energy storage or production • Get THIS About Proteins and Finally E... • Mistakes some people make, and I made when going vegan and then ex-vegan • Plant-Based Weight Loss: Mistakes to ... • My Blood Test Results after over 10 years of eating bananas and potatoes (and other High-carb Low-Fat plant-based vegan foods • What's My A1c Level After Eating TONS... • Shocking Weight Loss Effects: Calorie Deficit's Dark Side • In this video, I describe a bit of my journey and experiences with calorie restriction and its negative impacts on my behavior and cognitive functions. It is story time. • Four years ago, I lost a significant amount of weight through a high-carbohydrate, low-fat WHOLE-food vegan diet without strenuous exercise or calorie reduction. This is the first time in my life that I have maintained my results. • However, in the video, I delve into the past struggles I faced when I did engage in calorie-cutting, including severe food cravings and binge eating episodes. These cravings led me to engage in behaviors I am not proud of, such as eating and shoplifting in supermarkets, which I attribute to impaired judgment caused by calorie restriction. • I recount incidents from my past where my desperation for food overpowered my reasoning, leading me to steal food items, including trivial ones like parsley, which embarrassed me greatly when caught. These experiences underscored the profound effect that hunger and restrictive dieting had on my mental state, pushing me to act impulsively and against societal norms. • Calorie deficits impair cognitive functions because the brain requires a substantial amount of energy to function optimally. When we restrict calories, the brain's energy supply diminishes, affecting areas like the frontal lobe which is crucial for judgment, reasoning, and impulse control. This lack of energy leads to increased impulsivity, poor judgments, and risky decisions because the brain prioritizes survival over higher-order thinking, resulting in behavior driven by immediate needs rather than rational decisions. • Through my channel and business, Lean on, I aim to help others adopt a sustainable lifestyle that allows them to avoid similar pitfalls. I advocate for eating sufficient calories, particularly from whole, high-carbohydrate foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains, which support both physical health and cognitive function. This approach prevents the mental distress and poor decision-making linked to calorie deficits, allowing individuals to thrive without the negative consequences I endured. • You too can lose weight without losing your mind by adopting a mindset of eating to reach satiety from the right foods. • #loseweightwithoutcaloriedeficit #veganweightloss #HighcarbWeightLoss • • calorie deficit effects, cognitive impairment dieting, poor judgment from dieting, impulsivity and calorie restriction, brain function on low calories, healthy eating habits, overcoming food cravings, sustainable weight loss, high-carb low-fat diet, managing hunger effectively, Jeanina Vlad, Lean on Carbs, lose weight without a calorie deficit,