Wall of Fire in a Jar plus PulseJet Fun

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=sL2Bn3r4unM

Display of two spectacular combustion phenomena: the pulse jet, and a sheet of flame propagating through a closed space. In my humble opinion, probably the best quality video of this particular experiment on YouTube. • • DISCLAIMERS: No students were harmed during the making of this film. (They weren't even present--I save the really exciting stuff for when I'm the only one who may get an artery opened up.) • • Here's just one of many reasons you probably shouldn't try this yourself:    • Science Experiment gone wrong  . • • But then, if you're foolish enough to try something you saw on YouTube without taking very conservative safety precautions, well . . . • • Oh, and if you're curious, here's a description of my safety approach to demos such as these:    • How It All Ends:  I Hope I'm Wrong (P...   (Start at time index 8:13).


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