Customize Siemens NX CAD Menus and Toolbars
From the DCS Essentials Webinar Part 1 - You can see the full video here: • In Siemens NX, you have the ability to create custom button menus. This lets you pull the common tools and buttons out of the ribbon menus and set them in easy-to-find locations. This can improve your modeling efficiency, and frankly, reduce the frustration in finding your commonly used items. • This video shows how to quickly customize your interface to make modeling easier and to set up your most frequently used functions in easy-to-access workbenches. • Part of the 3DCS Essentials Part1 Series: • 1. Customize CATIA Workbenches and Toolbars • 2. Customize NX Menus and Toolbars • 3. Tree Customization in CATIA and NX • 4. Enhanced Scenes in CATIA • 5. Arrangements in NX • 6. Alias Display - Change All of Your Model Names With an Easy Interface • Learn more at