How To Mod Borderlands 2 Xbox Saves
Required Software: • Gibbed's Borderlands 2 Save Editor • • .Net Framework 4.5 (Required By Gibbed's) • • Horizon • • 1. Open Horizon • 2. Select your save file and extract it to your preferred location on your PC. • Optional: Make a backup of your save • 3. Drag and Drop the Save0000.sav file into Horizon • 4. Click the Contents tab and extract the SaveGame.sav file. • 5. Open Gibbed's • 6. Click Open and select Xbox as your platform in the dropdown menu. • 7. Select your SaveGame.sav file. • 8. Mod your save as you please. • 9. Save and Replace the SaveGame.sav • 9. Drag and Drop the Save0000.sav file back into Horizon • 10. Click the Contents tab, Right Click the SaveGame.sav file, select Replace , and select the SaveGame.sav file you just created. • 11. Save, Rehash, and Resign • 12. Save To Your USB Device