How to Start Writing a Non Fiction Book


Writing a non-fiction book is an excellent way to grow your business, make an impact, and generate new leads. The problem is, how and where do you start? • The self publishing company Book Launchers founder and the Amazon best selling author Julie Broad shares her thoughts for soon-to-be book authors. • • Subscribe for our weekly videos on self publishing a book on Amazon and bookstores: • • If you are interested in self publishing your book in the United States and Canada, kindly visit Book Launchers company website: • • Connect with us on social media: •   / booklaunchers   •   / booklaunchers   •   / booklaunchers   • • Video transcript: • Today we're talking about how you start writing a nonfiction book. • NUMBER ONE: Know your goal this is specific if you're thinking I want to be a best-seller why what's it going to do for you do you want more clients do you want paid speaking gigs do you want to solidify your position as the authority in the industry and get more media attention are you hoping to develop a large database of people in your community? • • What does this book need to do for you to be a success. • NUMBER TWO: • Who is your ideal reader one of our author clients is a very successful realtor in Canada he wants to cement his position as an authority with a book to make landing new clients easier so he has his why very clear he knows he wants to focus on people who want to invest in Canadian real estate they don't have to be in Canada but they do have to want to buy in Canada and ideally in or around his target market he will work with new or experienced investors typically these are professionals with money who don't want to invest in traditional stocks or retirement funds or they're looking to supplement their other investments he could be targeting doctors lawyers accountants sales professionals business owners and he already knows the magazines they read podcasts they listen to and events they attend. • So he knows his ideal reader and even how to reach some of them that's what you want to • know for your ideal reader, • NUMBER THREE: • What is the hook? • Sticking with our client example his challenge was his book wasn't going to be much different • than the other real estate books on the market because he didn't have a great hook but as we started to work on his book we found a common theme that kept coming up far more important to him than any of the deals he's done or helped his clients do was his contribution to the community because of real estate he has the network to solicit donations recruit volunteers and get media attention to further increase the success and reach of his events he has many stories of how real estate has allowed him and others to contribute to the community and beyond now we're getting closer to a hook in another video I'll be sharing the five questions to ask to help you create your hook. • NUMBER FOUR: Research • Every author will approach this step a little different but my recommendation is to spend a few weeks reading the top five best-selling books in your niche if you haven't already listen to a few episodes of each of the top three to five podcasts in your niche and do some reading on Quora in your area of expertise really get deep into this subject to see what people are already talking about what you agree with and what you don't agree with and think about what you want to • share that you aren't seeing covered or even better that you think is wrong. • NUMBER FIVE: Brainstorm • Now you have enough information to start brainstorming a bunch of topics I find it best to set a timer for thirty minutes and just write every idea that comes to mind no criticism just write those ideas down that's what brainstorming is all about when I'm done I'll find some that are going to be chapters while other subsections and others just suck and are going in the trash from here you've got to turn it into a book outline and create a plan to write but now you're started if you'll like this video make sure you hit that like button and subscribe to the channel so we can hang out more often and turn on that notification so you can find out when a video comes out the first people who comment on a video on the first day it comes out they get prizes yeah we do draw us see you on the next video.


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