Yoga Nidra BAM 7 Minutes


Deeply relax your whole body and mind in just 7 minutes… • The well documented benefits of the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra are further enhanced in this meditation which includes a binaural affirmation meditation backing track, with healing frequencies and gamma wave binaural beats. • Yoga Nidra, also known as Yogic Sleep, is a meditation practice where you are brought into a state of deep relaxation, and harmonious, restful, being. In this in-between state of conscious awareness and sleep, the mind-body connection is complete, and the body goes into a natural healing phase. • This unique guided meditation includes binaural beats in the gamma wave frequency, further enhancing the restorative benefits of the Yoga Nidra practice. • Binaural beats have been shown to bring the mind into a meditative state quicker than meditation alone, while the healing frequency of 396Hz, which is also included, helps connect you with the root chakra energy centre, the home of feeling secure and grounded. • Enjoy this 7minute version of the Yoga Nidra BAM, and for the complete 20 minutes join Empowered Now at the link below to also get access to binaural affirmation meditations in all ten healing frequencies, and the various brain wave states, as well as LIVE guided B.A.M.s each week, guided by B.A.M. creator, Ben Grant Mitchell. • For testimonials and to join Empowered Now go here: • N.B. Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation and relaxation that originated in ancient India. The practice of Yoga Nidra can be traced back to the ancient tantric texts known as the Upanishads, which are believed to have been written over 3,000 years ago.


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