The Scout Uniform Through History Scouting America
Scouting just celebrated its 111th Birthday in America. Throughout that time, Scouts have been wearing various types of uniforms. Very early on, the uniforms were very easy to obtain. As the decades of Scouting continued, they quickly became more complex. ScouterStan talks about how the uniform has evolved and changed for decades. Ever wonder about that strange hat that you saw a Scout wearing? Did you know that our current-day uniforms were designed by a world-famous fashion designer? • 🔗LINKS: • 🌐 Uniform Insignia on Wikipedia: • 📄 1925 Scouting Equipment Guide: • 🎬 Where Do I Stick This Patch? • Where Do I Stick This Patch? • 🎬 The Patches On The Scout Uniform Tell A Story: • The Patches On The Scout Uniform Tell... • ⚜️ ScouterStan Website: • 🎧 ScouterStan PodCast: • 🔑 Show Notes: • The 111-year-old scout uniform has gone through some changes over the years. • 1910-1922 - BP originally wanted uniforms to be shorts and long-sleeve shirts. Most youths in America at that time did not consider shorts to be manly. The option moved towards a uniform consisting of surplus from the Great War. Youth would wear knickers with leggings and a button-down choke-collar coat with a campaign hat. Adults wore a Norfolk jacket with knickers or trousers. • 1923-1930—The coat and knickers were slowly phased out. BSA introduced the longsleeved khaki-green shirt, and the full square neckerchief became part of the uniform. • 1931-1943—The scout uniform switched from knickers to shorts, and the youth's hat was replaced with a garrison flat cap in the 1940s. This was also a time when merit badge sashes started to appear in photographs. • 1944-1965—Many of the uniforms became more modernized, including the khaki-green shirt (with and without collar) and button-down pocket pants. The new Cub Scouts had an all-blue version. • 1966-1972 - The traditional wool and cotton fabrics were phased out over time although some variations still exist. A dark green shirt and a red beret were introduced in the 70s. • 1973-1979 - The uniform was consistent with a khaki-green shirt and pants with the redesign of all the patches. The button-down pant pocket we're slowly phased out. • 1980-2008 - The Oscar de la Renta designed (see correction) the two-color uniform we see today. Having a tan shirt with olive green shorts or trousers. The tan shirt with shoulder epaulets and buttoned-down pocket flaps. • 2009-Present - The introduction of a cargo pocket on the shirt and trousers. Also optional “zip-a-way” conversion trousers, new wicking fabrics, and velcro. • Even though some parts of the uniform have changed over time all of them can be worn appropriately. Scouting is based on a lot of history, and we should encourage youth who would like to pay homage to those times. Position patches and ranks have never been discontinued. Some Scouters were traditional patches when no other patches were available. If the patches change in design the individual can choose to wear the original that they received or update to the newer design. To stay consistent within the uniform timeline modern-day patches should not be worn on old-traditional uniforms. • ⚠️ Correction: ScouterStan stated that Oscar de la Renta was French? Actually, the world-famous fashion designer was from the Domenico Republic. Just goes to show that ScouterStan knows very little... about fashion. • ⏱ Time Stamp Video Jump List: • 0:00 Scout Uniform Through History • 0:58 1910-1922 • 2:46 1923-1930 • 4:18 Neckerchief • 4:46 1931-1943 • 6:59 1944-1965 • 7:24 1966-1972 • 9:00 1973-1980 • 9:51 1981-2008 • 10:35 2009-2021 • 12:23 Old Uniforms Today • 13:25 New Patch on Old Uniform • 16:02 Uniform Inspections • #scouterstan #scouts #scoutleader @ScouterStan © 2021 S Richards LLC