Location Optimization Solving Coverage and LocationAllocation Problems
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Planners of public facilities often face a fundamental challenge: how to best locate a given number of facilities (supply) to serve the maximum number of people (demand) within a given service threshold (like, for example, a 15-minute walk). These kinds of challenges are often referred to as coverage and location-allocation problems. In this video, course instructor Kevin Credit introduces tools for solving two common varieties of coverage and location-optimization problems—the location set covering problem (LCSP) and the maximal covering location problem (MCLP). • The chapters of this course that follow this introduction provide a step-by-step tutorial for solving both LCSP and MCLP for the selections of locations for fire stations and parks. With this course, you will 1) learn the basic principles of coverage and location-allocation problems, 2) learn to solve coverage and location-allocation problems using LINGO software, and 3) map the results in QGIS. • This video is an excerpt from Coverage and Location-Allocation Problems. Watch the full course here: https://courses.planetizen.com/course... • #urbanplanning #cityplanning #QGIS • Subscribe to Planetizen Courses' channel and enable notifications to keep up with the latest urban planning videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/PlanetizenC... • Planetizen Courses offers hundreds of online urban planning video courses taught by trusted professional planners. Sign up for access to cutting edge urban planning and urban design video courses on computer, phone, or tablet: • https://courses.planetizen.com/course... • Follow Planetizen Courses on Twitter: / plnzcourses • Follow Planetizen Courses on LinkedIn: / planetizen-courses