Pulovers Macro Creator Tutorial Image and Pixel search

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Watch the tutorials for PMC version 5:    • Pulover's Macro Creator v5 Tutorial 1   • Transcription: • With Pulover's Macro Creator you can take screenshots of part of the screen and create a command to search for that image. • You can also search for a determined pixel color. • To mark a region press and hold the right button on the mouse and drag it to create a rectangle. • Release to get the position. • Click on the button with the camera to take a screenshot. • Use the same method to mark the area. • To create more precise screenshots go to the Options window and select Press Enter to capture . • You can also change the line width. • Now after releasing the mouse button you can move and resize the rectangle using the keyboard pressing Ctrl+Arrow keys and Shift+Arrow keys. • You can also mark the region of a control by clicking and releasing over a control area without moving the mouse, • and mark the area of the window by doing the same in an area without a control. • You can also load an image file from your computer. • The If found and If not found options determine the action taken by the program on each situation. • The Repeat until option creates a loop that will repeat the search until the image or pixel is found or not found. • You can set the delay between searches. • If you want to execute different or more commands after a result you need to add an If Statement. • Mark this option to create one automatically. • When the image or pixel is found the coordinates are saved to the variables FoundX and FoundY. • You can use those variables inside other commands such as Mouse actions by enclosing them in percent signs • Notice that the coordinates returned for an image search will point to the upper-right corner, not the center. • To fix that you can increment the values before using them. • For that use the Variables window with the Add or Subtract operators or check the Expression option and use the Assign operator. • The commands added between the If Statement and the EndIf line will only be executed if the result of the search matches the criteria, • which can be If image/pixel found or If image/pixel not found . • An Else Statement can also be used inside the block. • Pixel search is basically the same. • You can pick a color from your desktop or from the Color Pick dialogue.


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