Amor and Psyche Gustav Mahlers Adagietto Symphony N°5 Bruno Walter Conductor
Daniela Ripetti Pacchini - Eros, Psyche the veil of Isis (The Knowledge of Love). Inglese-Italiano. • MUSIC: Gustav Mahler's (IV) Adagietto from the Fifth Symphony in C Sharp. Bruno Walter (Conductor) and Wiener Philharmoniker). The 'Adagietto' (the 'Big Tune') is the fourth movement of one of the great symphony of the late Romantic period and was composed in 1902. Bruno Walter was one of the two conductor (the other was W. Mengelberg) who were close to Mahler and knew his working practice very well. • POETRY: The Knowledge of Love (1979) from my collection of verses Dei Trapassati Intendimenti (The blue roses) . Preface by Alberto Moravia. Ed Vallerini 1983 and from La Poesia e il suo Doppio (The Poetry and it Double) Edypsy, Psychodream. • This video is about Love as knowledge and as unknowable. In it I freely quote the myth of Cupid and Psyche. 'Cupid and Psyche' is a story from the Latin novel Metamorphoses, also known as 'The Golden Ass', written in the 2nd century AD by Apuleius. It concerns the overcoming of obstacles to the love between Psyche ( Greek: Ψυχή, Soul or Breath of Life ) and Cupid (Latin Cupido, Desire ) or Amor ( Love , Greek Eros), and their ultimate union in marriage. Although the only extended narrative from antiquity is that of Apuleius, Eros and Psyche appear in Greek art as early as the 4th century BC. The story's Neoplatonic elements and allusions to mystery religions accommodate multiple interpretations, and it has been analyzed as an allegory, fairy tale, and myth. • • PICTURES: Some pictures are mine, some others by Ariel Astra Banwell (notedisera). The photo of the moon is by Laurent Aapro. The rest of the pictures in my video are from Wikipedia Creative Commons. • Artworks by François Pascal Simon Gérard, Edward Burne-Jones, John William Waterhouse, William Adolphe Bouguereau, Alphonse Legros, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Simone Vouet, Eugène Ernest Hillemacher, Auguste Rodin, Auguste Puttermans (Isis, Goddess of Life. I am all that hath been, and is, and shall be, and my veil no mortal has hitherto raised . This is an inscription at the shrine of Neith-Isis-Minerva at Sais, as reported by Plutarch in 'De Iside', by Helena P. Blavatsky in 'Isis unveiled' and by Pierre Hadot in 'The Veil of Isis'). • As for music and pictures, all rights belongs to their respective owners. • ilvelobarocco - skindapsos • *ITA : Daniela Ripetti Pacchini - Eros e Psiche: La cognizione dell'Amore. Musica dall' 'Adagietto' della Quinta Sinfonia di Gustav Mahler.Direttore Bruno Walter. • Il video narra dell’Amore come via di conoscenza e come inconoscibile nell’epoca moderna e/o postmoderna, quando l’Olimpo e gli Dei (nelle loro molte forme) sono tramontati o comunque messi in discussione. • In esso si fa riferimento alla fabula di Eros e Psiche presente fin dal IV secolo a.C. nella cultura greca e nella tradizione orale del Nordafrica e ripresa successivamente nel II secolo d.C., da Lucio Apuleio nel suo romanzo in lingua latina intitolato “Le Metamorfosi”. • Amore e Psiche è la più nota delle fiabe contenute nel romanzo di Apuleio. • La favola, come il resto de Le metamorfosi, ha nel libro un significato allegorico: Cupido - il corrispondente del greco Eros ( che però presenta alcune diversità) - signore dell'amore e del desiderio, unendosi a Psiche (ψυχή) ossia all'anima , le dona l'immortalità. Tuttavia per giungere a questo, Psiche dovrà affrontare quattro durissime prove (simbolo delle iniziazioni al culto di Iside) tra cui quella di scendere agli Inferi.