STUDY WITH ME 2 hours POMODORO technique classical study music


Hello buddy! Come study with me! • HOW CAN YOU GAIN THE MOST FROM THIS? • During the study time, FOCUS ON THE MATERIAL and do NOTHING else. Put everything away, switch your phone to silent mode, disable wifi on it, prepare water or tea, prepare all your books. You should not get away from your chair during this time. • Anytime a thought unrelated to the material crosses your mind, have a paper ready and write it down, This way, you can focus fully again and your brain will be assured that the thought/question/task that appeared will not be forgotten. • HOW TO RETAIN THE MOST OF THE MATERIAL? • Following works best for me, it is simple and worth reading: • 1. Write down the name of the topic you are about to study. Right below, in shortcuts and quickly write down everything you already know about this topic. This way your brain will later know that you can skim faster through these parts of the text and that you don't need to give much energy into relearning these again. • 2. Now ask yourself: What do I want to know after reading this chapter?What is important for me to know about this? What might professor ask at the exam? Write down shortly as many points as you can. Do not take much time with it, 1 minute is enough. You are creating a skeleton of the knowledge, which will be soon enlarged and covered. • 3. Start reading and your mind will automatically focus on answering the questions you asked before and do not give much attention to facts already known. Whenever the answer comes, remind yourself that this is it. • 4. IMPORTANT - do not revise the topic immediately after reading - this will give you a false illusion that you know much more than you actually do. Wait for one more 25-minute session (during that time read another topic/chapter) and only after that, REVISE. (Ideally by creating a questions for yourself and answering them) • Good luck! • More about study methods, motivation hacks and challenges(workout, study...) follow me here: •   / study_bootc.  . • If you want to follow my life and thoughts you can visit here: •   / wzo_shka   • Who am I?: • I am a fourth-year otolaryngology resident, second-year Ph.D. student and for the last 21 years, I am studying. • This video consists of 4 rounds of 25 minutes focus and 5 minutes of break, A.K.A. Pomodoro technique. • Keywords: how to study, motivation to study, how to focus, how to not be lazy, study focus, study music, study buddy, study motivation, focus music, music for studying, study inspiration


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