Conduit Bending Compound 90 Rectangular Obstructions Pt2
In this 2nd Part of compound 90's I will show you how to get by rectangular obstructions using the formula to get accurate bends. Most importantly I will give the the formula, quick and easy formula by the way. To teach you how to find where to accurately place your first bend mark (Mark A) so that you can clear your rectangular obstruction without having to guess or try to cut and fit it in to the location. You will be able to Pre-determine the location from the beginning of your calculation. I also give you a couple of tips on how and what to do if your obstruction happens to not be perfectly placed in the corner the walls and it happens to be off the wall, wether it's off both walls or just one wall I show you what to do in this situation. Please go and watch the video and share it with your friends and co-workers. • Please consider donating so that I may continue to purchase more needed supplies. Thank you. Also any video requests you have can be made in the comment section below or in any of the social media sites I have posted. • Also watch the Round Obstruction video if you need the further explanation of that topic. links will be posted down below. • PayPal link: • • Round Obstructions Video: • • Conduit Bending: Calculated Compound ... • Also for more Advanced Strategies on how to bend conduit and tighten up your bending skills, if you feel your ready. I have a course style set of 5 video's that are pretty long. They are not meant to quickly watch, like i said it's a course style set of video's that need to be watched in order from 1 to 5. If you are interested the link will be posted below: • • Greenlee Mobile Table bender Series • #conduitbending #compound90bend #Holmzlaw