How to create Excel gantt Chart Step by step guide


This video will show you how to create excel gantt chart easily with simple 7 steps. • .......................................................................................................................... • The Video is Organised as follows, • 00:00 Introduction Understanding of the Scenario to Prepare Gantte Chart • 00:13 Create Stacked Bar Chart • 00:40 Add Time Durations and Tasks to the Gantt Chart (Stacked Bar Chart) • 01:29 Formatting the Stacked Bar Chart • 01:50 Arrange the Tasks Order In the Gantt Chart • 02:14 Format the Time Line (Dates) of the Gantt Chart (Stacked Bar Chart) • 03:03 Remove Extra Space Between Stacked Bars (Gantt Chart Bata Bars) • 03:18 Further Formatting for the Gantte Chart (Bar Colour, Font, Font Size, Font Colour, Gantte Chart Title) • .......................................................................................................................... • A Gantt chart is a popular project management tool used to visually represent a project's schedule over time. It displays tasks or activities on a timeline, making it easier to plan, track progress, and manage projects. Microsoft Excel is a commonly used software for creating Gantt charts. Here's how to create a basic Gantt chart in Excel: • Step 1: Prepare Your Data • Before creating a Gantt chart, you need to have a list of tasks, their start dates, and their durations (or end dates). Create a table in Excel with the following columns: • Task Name: List all the tasks or activities involved in your project. • Start Date: The date when each task will begin. • Duration: The time it takes to complete each task (in days, weeks, or months). • You can also include additional columns like End Date or Responsible Person, depending on your project's requirements. • Step 2: Create a Stacked Bar Chart • Select the data in your table, including the Task Name, Start Date, and Duration columns. • Go to the Insert tab in Excel. • Click on Bar Chart in the Charts group. • Select Stacked Bar. • This will insert a basic bar chart into your Excel spreadsheet. • Step 3: Format the Bar Chart into a Gantt Chart • You will see a chart on your Excel sheet. Click on the chart to select it. • Next, you need to add the Duration data to the chart. Right-click on the chart and choose Select Data. • In the Select Data Source dialog box, click on Add under the Legend Entries (Series) section. • In the Edit Series dialog box: • For Series Name, select your Task Name column. • For Series X values, select your Start Date column. • For Series Y values, select your Duration column. • Click OK to close the dialog boxes. • Now, your chart will have bars representing each task's duration on the timeline. • Step 4: Customize Your Gantt Chart • To make your Gantt chart more informative and visually appealing, you can do the following: • Add labels to the tasks, start dates, and durations by right-clicking on the chart and selecting Add Data Labels. • Adjust the formatting of the bars and labels, such as colors and fonts, to match your project's style. • Add gridlines or a date scale to the chart's axis for better readability. • Include milestones or important deadlines as additional data points. • Add a legend or a title to explain the chart's content. • Resize and position the chart within your Excel sheet as needed. • Once you've completed these steps, you'll have a Gantt chart in Excel that visually represents your project's timeline and tasks. This chart can help you plan, track progress, and communicate your project schedule effectively. • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: (124) How to use SUMIF Function in Excel •    • How to use SUMIF Function in Excel   • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~


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