Fallout 4 The Legend of the General Atomics Galleria
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=s_UhpnpmW6E
Fallout 4- The Legend of the General Atomics Galleria- A unique mall experience, badly programmed robots and the champ. This and more in this episode of Fallout 4- Legends of • General Atomics Galleria: • This was a pre-war shopping district controlled by a Mr Gutsy called the Director and a group of Mister Handy's. The idea was that it would be completely autonomous, no need for human intervention at all. However something happened and they went rogue, killing everyone in the galleria. The terminals around the various shops and building allude to poor programming and rules being the cause, the various rules programmed not being able to stand up to real world situations. This was all pointed out by Isaac, surely a nod to Isaac Asimov and his 3 laws of robotics. In the end, the only human inhabitant was tasked with initiating the grand re-opening. However they were killed, and the task fell to another General Atomics employee, Kincaid. I think he was killed as well, and it falls to us to initiate the grand re-opening • I hope you enjoy the episode :) • Music: • Magnus H. Tellman- Atharia • YouTube: / arvenas • Soundcloud: / magnus-helgheim-tellmann • Facebook: / arvenasmusic • Kevin MacLeod • Imcompetech: http://incompetech.com/ • Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheNthApple?ty=h • Follow me on Twitter: / thenthapple • Like me on facebook: / thenthapple • Subscribe for more great content: / thenthapple • Facebook: / thenthapple • My subreddit: / thenthapple • Other Series of mine you may like(not guaranteed though :/) • Fallout 4 Lore: • Fallout 4 Lore • Witcher 3 Lore: • Witcher 3 Lore • Theories, Legends and Lore: • Theories, Legends and Lore • Skyrim Legends of: • Skyrim Lore and Legends • Fallout 3 Legends of: • Fallout 3 lore • Fallout New Vegas Legends of: • Fallout New Vegas Lore • How You Do: • Playlist