FILE as Kissinger steps down as chairman of Sept 11 panel
(14 Dec 2002) • • Washington, DC - File: 27 November 2002 • 1. U-S president George W Bush and former U-S secretary of state Henry Kissinger walk to podium • 2. Cutaway audience • 3. SOUNDBITE (English), George W Bush, U-S President: • Today I sign an act of Congress authorizing intelligence programs vital to our security and creating a national commission to investigate the events of September the Eleventh, 2001, and the years that led up to that event. This commission will help me and future presidents to understand the methods of America's enemies and the nature of the threats we face. • 4. Cutaway of Kissinger and Bush • 5. SOUNDBITE (English), George W Bush, U-S President • Today, I am pleased to announce my choice as commission chairman, Dr Henry Kissinger. Dr Kissinger is one of our nation's most accomplished and respected public servants. • 6. Cutaway of Kissinger • 7. SOUNDBITE (English), George W. Bush, U-S President: Dr Kissinger will bring broad experience, clear thinking, and careful judgement to this important task. Mr Secretary, thank you for returning to the service of your nation. • 8. Cutaway of document • 9. SOUNDBITE (English) Henry Kissinger, Former U-S Secretary of State: • It is a great honor to be appointed by the president to be chairman of the non-partisan independent commission, to look into the facts and circumstances of the tragedy of September 11th. It means a great deal to me as somebody who grew up in New York, to contribute to the finding of the facts and to bringing out of all the facts. But this is not simply a matter for New York, it is a matter for all of America. • 10. Medium shot of Kissinger talking to families of September 11th victims • • STORYLINE: • • Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger stepped down Friday as chairman of a panel investigating the Sept. 11 attacks, citing controversy over potential conflicts of interest with his private-sector clients. • • President George W. Bush is expected to move swiftly to find a replacement. • • Kissinger's resignation on Friday came two weeks after his appointment and two days after the panel's vice chairman, former Sen. George Mitchell, stepped down. • • The twin resignations came as the commission hoped to begin its work next month and after disputes about its organisation and its authority to issue subpoenas. • • White House aides said the resignation was Kissinger's idea and that the president accepted it with regret. • • Kissinger, one of the best known American diplomats of the 20th century, was Secretary of State to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. • • The 79-year-old naturalised American won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 with North Vietnam's Le Duc Tho for cease-fire negotiations during the Vietnam war. • • Kissinger also made a determined peacemaking effort in the Middle East and made repeated trips to the region. • • The new commission has a broad mandate, building on the limited joint inquiry conducted by the House and Senate intelligence committees. • • The independent panel will have 18 months to examine issues such as aviation security and border problems, along with intelligence. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter: / ap_archive • Facebook: / aparchives • Instagram: / apnews • • • You can license this story through AP Archive: