Spasticus Autisticus zoom reunion 2020
Creatively audio described and captioned. Designed and edited by Stephen Lloyd and Stephen Collins. Audio described by Wayne 'Pickles' Norman. • To mark the 8th anniversary of the London 2012 Paralympic opening ceremony, and in support of the Disability Arts Alliance’s #WeShallNotBeRemoved campaign, members of the cast and creative team from past productions of Graeae’s Reasons to be Cheerful (clocking up over 20,000 views while online this summer) have come together to record a very special recording of the Ian Dury and The Blockheads’ hit Spasticus Autisticus from the show. Produced by Graeae, the video features over 30 artists formerly involved with the show in some capacity, including Graeae patrons Jemima Dury and Mat Fraser (drummer in 2010 production) and director Jenny Sealey. • Please show your support by visiting