二○二一年一月一日起投寄內載貨品郵件往指定地區 需提交電子報關資料
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因應中國内地、歐盟27個成員國、英國、瑞士及巴西郵政機關的要求,由二○二一年一月一日起,所有寄往當地的內載貨品(即非文件類)郵件,需於投寄前提交電子報關資料。寄往美國的郵包類郵件已於二○一九年六月起實施上述要求,有關要求現擴展至內載貨品的各類郵件。 • 鑑於各海外郵政機關正陸續實施電子報關的規定,寄件人投寄郵件前請留意本署網頁https://www.hongkongpost.hk/tc/other/... 的最新公布。 • As required by the postal administrations of the following destinations, senders must submit electronic customs declaration to these destinations when sending mail containing goods from January 1, 2021 onwards. These destinations include the Mainland China, the 27 member states of the European Union, the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Brazil. The above requirement has been put into effect for the posting of packets to the United States of America since June 2019, and is now extended to cover all mail categories containing goods. • As overseas postal administrations are gradually implementing the requirement of electronic customs declaration, senders are advised to take note of the latest announcements on Hongkong Post website https://www.hongkongpost.hk/en/other/... before posting.