DR MÁTÉ GÁBOR 20 Friderikusz Podcast 103
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=skSX3sg7pmU
Dr. Gabor Maté, a Hungarian-born Canadian physician, specializes in the study and treatment of addictions, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and stress-related illnesses. He worked as a family physician in East Vancouver for over 20 years and served as the medical coordinator of the Vancouver Hospital’s Palliative Care Unit for 7 years. A recurring theme in his books is the impact of childhood on the development of an individual's physical and mental health, through neurological and psychological mechanisms. He firmly believes that the health of the mind, consciousness, and soul cannot be separated from the health of the body, and that in many cases, the causes of mental illnesses can be attributed to modern social conditions and the resulting stress. • More than two years ago, Gábor Maté was a guest on the Friderikusz Podcast, and due to continuous requests from our viewers and listeners, he has returned. Despite falling ill during his most recent stay in Budapest—something that is noticeable in his voice and articulation (which is why the Hungarian subtitles we’ve added to the conversation on YouTube are particularly helpful; you can activate the Hungarian subtitles under the Settings menu on YouTube)—this does not detract from the originality of Gábor Maté's thoughts and theories. • The first podcast with Gábor Maté, recorded on June 9, 2022, has been viewed by over 1.2 million people and listened to by 186,000 more. You can watch that conversation by clicking the following link: • TRAUMÁRÓL, STRESSZRŐL, LÉLEKRŐL, TEST... • Our podcast is sponsored by OTP Travel, whose website can be accessed via the following link: https://www.otptravel.hu/elmenyvalaszto • How can you support our work? • You can now support us on Donably, a platform where you can contribute VAT-free to our work: • https://www.donably.com/friderikusz-p... • You can also become our patron on Patreon, where depending on your level of support, you can access more benefits: • / friderikuszpodcast • You can support the quality of our work with a simple bank transfer. The most important details are as follows: • Name: TV Pictures • Account number: OTP Bank 11707062-21446081 • Note: Podcast support • For international transfers, here is our IBAN (International Bank Account Number): • IBAN: HU68 1170 7062 2144 6081 0000 0000 • BIC/SWIFT code: OTPVHUHB • No matter how you support our work, we greatly appreciate it! • Follow us here: • YouTube: / friderikuszpodcast • Facebook: / friderikuszpodcast • Instagram: / friderikuszpodcast • Anchor: https://anchor.fm/friderikuszpodcast • Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3blRo2g • YouTube Music: • Friderikusz Podcast • Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3hm2vfi • Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/hu/show/100025...