10 Man Yorsahj Heroic Kill
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=skabUl-wWKI
Relentless Ðawn's Yor'sahj heroic kill for your enjoyment. Thanks to all who watched our live stream and this video! This is not the newest Heroic boss we have downed but it's an interesting one so it's going up this week. =) • When we were working on this boss, we did it without the Yor'sahj announce add-on.. I eventually got it after the boss was on farm, and set it to the ooze priority order we use to make it a little bit easier on myself as raid leader. • Here is the chart we go by when choosing which ooze to go after, as well as the tips for each ooze combination: • Purple Red Yellow Black - Kill Purple, big aoe heals/tank cool downs, Kill adds, good Hero phase. • Blue Purple Green Yellow - Kill Yellow, spread and heal carefully for purple -- don't let purple stacks go to 5 if someone get's their stacks to five, get out of the raid to explode, kill mana void. • Green Red Blue Black - Kill Green, entire group stack (for red) under void, (If you have DK's chain grip them to center so the whole group doesn't have to move) Kill void then adds • Blue Black Purple Yellow - Kill Yellow, heal carefully for purple, Kill void then adds • Purple Green Black Blue - Kill green, stack and heal carefully for purple, kill void then adds • Green Yellow Black Red - Kill green, stack big AOE heals, 2 waves of adds. • • ©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. • Music by: Localized • http://localizedmusic.com/