Amos Bad News In Good Times v2
God sent Amos, a country shepherd in Judah, to hardhearted Israel to rebuke their sins even though they were prospering economically. He stood firm even when threatened by them. The sins he rebuked are common today and unless we repent of them we will be lost as they were. We must overcome love of material things, sexual sins, love of luxury and pleasure and superficial irreverent worship. Let us study Amos to learn and be warned so that we may be prepared to meet our God in judgment. • Taught by Gary Hunt on 7/22/24 • Central Brooklyn church of Christ meeting at • 1510 Avenue H • Brooklyn, NY 11230 • Sunday Classes at 10:00 AM and Worship at 11:00 AM • For any information, Call (347) 743-3934 or email [email protected] • For more sermons, Bible classes and Bible questions, please visit •