Don’t forget GRATITUDE 🫶
Gratitude is a TOOL to help us not only survive but thrive. 🌱 • Hidden homelessness and displacement is a rising epidemic across Australia and it could happen to you at any time. Homeless people are often survivors of abuse; people who have lost everything. Imagine that happening to you or somebody you love? • Homelessness is no joke and I want to tell my story to spread awareness, answer questions and hopefully inspire people to look out for others and appreciate what they have now. 🙏 • If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments below! Follow me (@claragesulga) for more posts like this. • IG: @claragesulgamusic • 💌 [email protected] • What are you grateful for today? 🌸 • #gratefulforthelittlethings #youthhomelessness #survivorsofabuse gratitude journal quotes greatful gratful gratfil greatfil gratefill thankful thankfull blessed blessings god geatitude gratitute homelessness awareness homelessness week best practice brandon homeless memes displaced displacement homeless billionaire woman man grateful lake post positivity mental health bpd cptsd c-ptsd c ptsd childhood trauma truma ending youth crisis borderline personality disorder bipolar survivors survive wealth wealthy faith praise lord jesus happy love positive video yt youtube short shorts #homeless #homelessness #homelessnessawareness #homelessnesscrisis #homelesslife #homelessentrepreneur #couchsurfing #couchsurfer #tentlife