The Ultimate Preppers Companion Unleashing the Power of the Stanley Fatmax FUBAR Xtreme 3


The right tool for the job, the Stanley Fatmax Fubar Xtreme 3 is it. • ‪@StanleyBlackDecker‬ • Many tools do well at one job and that fine. Sometimes you'll need a tool that can do well at several jobs. • This is one of those tools. Stanley Fatmax Fubar has many uses. • Pry bar, sledge hammer, wrench, wrecker bar. This can be used for many home and property remodeling and demolition projects. 30 inches long and 9 pounds its easy to wield and is durable enough to take a beating. • The upside, in a post SHTF scenario this will be very handy for out scavenging or just an added layer of personal security in certain situations. • #fubar #shtf #emergencypreparedness #preppingforshtf #survivalism #shtftools #demolitionbar #survivaltools #scavengingtool #stanleyfatmaxfubarxtreme3 #urbansurvival #toolsofthetrade #shtftools #multifunctionaltools #unboxingvideo


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