Marty Jannetty on his Royal Rumble 93 Firing
Marty Jannetty on his Royal Rumble 93 Firing • WWE Legend and one half of the legendary Rockers Tag Team Marty Jannetty talks about his Royal Rumble 93 match vs his former Tag Team Partner WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Micheals. The match was well received by critics and highly ratted by the Wrestling Observer newsletter however Vince McMahon apparently did not like it and fired Jannetty shortly after the match reportedly due to Micheals saying he had been under the influence. Jannetty was later re-hired according to reports partly due to Curt Hennig letting Vince know that Shawn was lying. • • Patreon: • Facebook: / great-north-wrestling-378526155579981 • Twitter @GNWWrestling • Instagram: / escriptioncription