IOT based Food Spoilage Detection SystemArduino Uno R3 NodeMCU MQ4 Methane Sensor BuzzerLEDs


IOT BASED FOOD SPOILAGE DETECTION SYSTEM.(Plz do read description box it contains all the info..) • Includes Arduino Uno R3, NodeMCU( having ESP8266 12E WiFi chip which is embedded in it already), Buzzer, Green and Red LEDs, MQ4 Methane Sensor, Breadboard, Jumper Wires, Connecting wires. • Description: • Blynk app– Using the Nodemcu esp8266 wifi module and  Arduino, you can learn how to use the blynk app application terminal widget to show the sensor data. If you’re using Arduino, you’ll know which serial monitor is being used for. Typically the serial monitor is used for debugging purposes. • The Terminal Widget program from Blynk app is just like the Serial Monitor from Arduino. The only difference is that the Arduino Serial monitor only operates when the Arduino is attached to the laptop or device, while the Blynk app Terminal Widget program is completely wireless and can be used to control remotely. You can monitor your sensors from anywhere in the world using the Blynk app device terminal widget. I will also show the value of the sensor on the serial monitor of Arduino. • Today’s episode covers • Required Components: • Interfacing Arduino UnoR3,Buzzer,Green and Red LED, MQ4 Methane Sensor, NodeMCU(Having ESP8266 12E WiFi chip embedded inside it with 8 pins), Jumping wires, Power supply through PC. • Programming and finally • testing • Circuit: • Let’s start with the 5v regulated power supply through laptop • To power up the Nodemcu ESP8266 wifi module we are going to connect it to the laptop itself. • As the Nodemcu will communicate with Arduino through serial communication, so for this we need a serial port, as I always say never use the Arduino’s default serial port for communication with other devices, Use Arduino’s default serial port only for the debugging purposes. So now the question is if we are using the Arduino’s default serial port for debugging purposes then how we will communicate with Nodemcu Module? • Well my friends no worries at all, we can define multiple serial ports using the Software serial library, which I will explain in the programming. So as you can see the Nodemcu Rx pin is connected with Arduino’s pin3 and the Nodemcu Tx pin is connected with Arduino’s pin2 and the ground is connected with the ground. • A variable resistor is connected with the Analog pin A0 of the Arduino, while the remaining two legs of the variable resistor are connected with 3.3v and ground. As I said earlier this variable resistor will be used as the sensor. • Blynk Mobile App Setup: • First of all, open the blynk app • Click on the New Project and Set the project name as Arduino Nodemcu, if you want you can set any other name. • Click on the chosen device and select Nodemcu. • set the connection type to wifi. • Then click on the create button, an authentication token will be sent on your email id, which will be then used in programming. • This is the authentication token, we will simply copy this and paste in our programming. • Now click anywhere on the screen and search for the Notification and click to add. • Now click on the terminal to open the settings. • Select virtual pin V12. Set the add newline to yes. That’s it. • Our basic application setup is completed. • I Strongly recommend this sight for your all doubt's. Its really amazing.Link is given below: • • Libraries required to be installed in arduino IDE through board manager are : • 1)ESP8266 By Community • 2)Blynk • 3)Software Serial • The Detailed connection of the circuit is shown in my next video.The link is given below: •    • IOT Based Food Spoilage Detection Sys...   • You can do changes as per your requirements. • Here's the link to my program: • • Plz Visit our website.Its an informative website of our FSD System.Link is given below: • • • Go to the below link and follow the instructions as provided in the website in order to install ESP8266 library into Arduino IDE. This is for your reference. • • • Additional Board Manager URL to install ESP8266 into Arduino IDE is given below: • • • Here's the link to my report for reference: • • • Link to Epictac kit on FlipKart to buy these required components is given below: • • Please Subscribe my channel for more project ideas and other educational videos. • Thank you.


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