오픽 모의고사 8 난이도 22

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진쌤이 직접본 오픽 시험을 모의고사로 제공합니다. • 난이도: 2-2 • 목표: IL • 00:00 : 모의고사 가이드 • 00:24 : 1번 • 01:37 : 2번 • 02:56 : 3번 • 04:04 : 4번 • 05:26 : 5번 • 06:44 : 6번 • 08:20 : 7번 • 09:35 : 난이도 재조정 • 09:52 : 8번 • 11:05 : 9번 • 12:21 : 10번 • 13:48 : 11번 • 15:12 : 12번 • 1. Let’s start the interview now. Tell me about yourself. • 2. I would like to talk about where you live. Can you describe your house to me? Give me a good description of your house. • 3. What is your home address? • 4. Please tell me about the weather at where you live. What is the weather like in each season? Which season do you like the most? • 5. How is the weather today at where you are? Is it cold, is it warm? Talk about today's weather in detail. • 6. You indicated in the survey that you go to cafes. What cafes or coffee shops are there in your neighborhood? Which café do you like to go to and why do you like that café? Please tell me in detail. • 7. When do you usually go to a café? Do you go to a café on weekdays or weekends? • 8. Tell me about the food in your country. What are some typical dishes? • 9. What foods do you see in a grocery store? Apples? Cereals? What other things? • 10. I’m going to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. You want to buy a new cell phone. Call a store and ask three to four questions about a new cell phone you want to buy. • 11. You indicated in the survey that you go to parks with adults. Describe one of your favorite parks. Tell me where it is and what it looks like. Describe the park for me. • 12. I also enjoy going to the park. Ask me three to four questions about my favorite park. • • #진짜녀석들 #오픽 #오픽모의고사 #오픽독학 #오픽시험 • 진쌤과의 상담은 • https://pf.kakao.com/_xkLxjSxl • 더 많은 정보는 • https://jinjja-eng.com/opic/


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