🎃 Hallows End Halloween Music amp Ambience World of Warcraft
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=srFG1onqv9U
Hallow's End was celebrated in Lordaeron. There were several smaller festivals leading up to Hallow's End. One was somber, one was celebratory, and this one was a bit of both. It was believed to be a time when the barrier between the living and the dead was thin, and those who had passed on could be sensed by those still alive. Tradition had it that at the end of the harvest season, before the winds of winter began to blow, a straw effigy would be erected right outside the palace. At sunset on the night of the ceremony, it would be lit on fire. It was an awesome sight — a giant flaming wicker man, burning bright against the encroaching night. Anyone who wished could approach the fiery effigy, toss a branch into the cracking flames, and in so doing metaphorically 'burn away' anything he did not wish to carry into the quiet, deep reflection time provided by winter's enforced inactivity, such as emotions (fears, sorrows, old loves, new hates). It was a peasant ritual, sprung up from time immemorial. • 0:00:00 Elwynn Forest / Goldshire • 0:05:00 Stormwind • 0:11:09 Duskwood / Darkshire • 0:15:12 Deadwind Pass • 0:16:59 Shadowmoon Valley Draenor / Forgotten Shore and Isle of Shadows • 0:19:55 Shadowmoon Valley Draenor / Lunarfall garrison with Hallow's End decorations • 0:23:37 Frostfire Ridge / Frostwall garrison with Hallow's End decorations • 0:29:23 Orgrimmar • 0:33:25 Durotar / Razor Hill • 0:36:50 Undercity • 0:39:04 Ruins of Lordaeron • 0:43:01 Tirisfal Glades / Brill • 0:48:36 Scarlet Monastery • 0:51:57 Dun Morogh / Kharanos / Headless Horseman event • 0:53:54 Durotar / Razor Hill / Headless Horseman event • 0:55:11 Elwynn Forest / Goldshire / Headless Horseman event • 0:57:20 Tirisfal Glades / Brill / Headless Horseman event • *** • As a Vanilla WoW player, I am capturing the old new World of Warcraft atmosphere for eternity. • Please subscribe, like and share the video to encourage me to create more content. • World of Warcraft content and materials (images, in-game footage, in-game music, soundtracks, OST) are trademarks and copyrights of Blizzard or its licensors. All rights reserved. • • Patrons: • Michael Maaß • Elie Z. • Jack Readman • Gil Levy • Sheila Smith • Kargoz • Jack Anderson • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Let's connect on Twitter: / meisio1 • Support me Patreon: / meisio • Support me with PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/MeisioWoW • #WorldofWarcraft #meisio #Halloween