ARCS Self Defense Techniques
Grab My Free Video 7 Secrets of Self Defense @ - Self Defense Techniques need to be easy to learn. A.R.C.S. stands for Automatic Reflex Combat Systems - In simple terms this means we teach you how to use what the body naturally does when you're attacked. Then we teach you how to add very effective and simple to learn self defense moves that ensure you can survive any attack. • Visit to get a Free copy of the 7 Secrets of Self Defense - How to Survive Any Attack! • Learn How to Defend Yourself • ARCS Self Defense • 411 Lake Street Suite 200 • Shreveport, La. 71101 • 318-200-0890 • Self Defense Techniques • Automatic Reflex Combat Systems. A.R.C.S. • A.R.C.S. stands for Automatic Reflex Combat Systems. A.R.C.S. is perfect for civilian self defense, law enforcement officer defensive tactics training, or military hand to hand close quarters combat. The tactics and self defense techniques taught in the A.R.C.S. program are based on standard human reflexes. Often times these automatic and involuntary reflex responses are referred to as the startle response . Because the startle response is involuntary and cannot be unlearned, we embrace it and use it to our advantage as a bridge into a series of extremely effective gross motor skill techniques that can be easily learned and replicated. • During times of extremely high stress we lose our fine motor skills because of the effects of the adrenaline dump on the human body, however we always retain our gross motor skills. A.R.C.S. is so effective because it only relies on basic gross motor skills, so no matter how stressful the situation you will always be able to effectively call upon your self defense techniques and training. This is not true of most other self defense training systems that require long periods of training and then all too often fail because they use techniques that are impossible to apply during times of high stress. • The core of the A.R.C.S. program is based in the hand to hand tactics that were developed and used by William E. Fairbairn and Eric A. Sykes while training and working with the Shanghai Municipal Police before the start of WWII. Prior to WWII, Shanghai was commonly believed to be the most dangerous city in the world and these techniques were used with brutal efficiency to put down riots and gang fights during the Shanghai opium wars. • During WWII, Fairbairn and Sykes were brought back to Britain to teach the battle field application of these techniques to members of the O.S.S., British Commandos and later to U.S. Army Rangers and Marines through Rex Applegate and Anthony Biddle. Because the amount of available training time was limited prior to the troops being shipped off to war these techniques were required to be simple to learn, easily replicated, and very effective. These same techniques were later used as the foundation for the hand to hand training in the CIA and FBI. • A.R.C.S. has taken the combat framework established by Fairbairn and Sykes, juiced it up, and brought it into the 21st century by incorporating the self defense techniques from their original combat training programs along with additional techniques from Combat Karate, Judo, Jujutsu, Western Boxing, and Israeli Krav Maga. A.R.C.S. uses a scientific approach to dealing with the psychology of violent attacks and it relies on easily learned and replicated, yet unbelievably brutally effective combat proven physical techniques. A.R.C.S. truly is a self defense and combat system that is second to none! • In a nut shell, A.R.C.S. is a four part system that focuses on the three major parts of any violent physical altercation as well as the fall out after the fight. These four areas are as listed below: • #1 The mental and psychological preparation required to survive a violent attack. • #2 The first 3-5 seconds of the attack. This is the most critical time of any attack when your involuntary reflexes will set the stage for your ability to launch a counter attack and allow you to safely neutralize the threat. Unfortunately this 3-5 second window is also almost completely ignored by almost all other systems as they tend to focus exclusively on the actual fight . • #3 The actual fight that occurs after the first 3-5 seconds and continues until one side or the other escapes or is overcome. • #4 Post confrontation events such as dealing with the authorities and possible criminal and/or civil actions. • The best self defense training focuses on self defense techniques and self defense moves that are centered around your God given reflexes. Use your natural self defense techniques as a bridge into the truly devastating ARCS Self Defense Combatives System.

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