Retinoblastoma Patho Ophthal integrated Video DBMCI NEXT Pattern Teaching
Retinoblastoma | Patho - Ophthal integrated Video | DBMCI NEXT Pattern Teaching • Dr Niha Aggarwal the ophthalmologist and Dr Praveen a pathological expert is taking a session on Retinoblastoma covering all Clinical, Genetic and histopathological aspect. Basically, this is covering the tumors for children's under 3 Years ( Babies ). Session starts from how Genetic abnormalities and Gene mutations are responsible for causing retinoblastoma to RB gene Mutation, Pathogenesis of retinoblastoma and then covering the Associated tumours Like Pinealoblastoma, osteosarcoma. • They have also covered the growth pattern of retinoblastoma at 17:30. • And at the end, some topics like Retinoblastoma diagnosis, What is V-Y pattern, Treatment of Retinoblastoma, and International Classification for Intraocular retinoblastoma are also covered. • • Check out the full video to Start at the early stage to Conquer the NEXT. • #LetsconquerNEXT #DBMCI #BestForNEXT • Check out our other videos - • Liver Tumours | Radio + Patho Integrated video | DBMCI NEXT Pattern Teaching • • Liver Tumours | Radio + Patho Integra... • Brachial Plexus Nerves of Upper Limb | Ortho-Anatomy Integrated video| DBMCI NEXT Pattern Teaching • • Brachial Plexus Nerves of Upper Lim... • OSTEOMYELITIS | NEXT Preparation | Clinical Path Correlation | Dr. Praveen Dr. Sushil Vijay • • OSTEOMYELITIS | NEXT Preparation | Cl... • • #dbmci #bestfornext #drbhatiavideos #Ophthalmology #Pathology #DrPraveen #Drnihaatggarwal #eGurukul #Integratedvideos #NEXT