How Central Asian Muslims Lived Under Russian Tsar AngloAfghan War Empire Of Cotton
#centralasia #russia #cotton • Central Asian Muslims in the Soviet Union faced significant challenges under the state's policies of secularization and control. After the Soviet takeover, religious practices were heavily restricted, and Islamic institutions were suppressed. Mosques were closed, and religious leaders were persecuted, leading to a decline in formal religious education and worship. Despite this, many Central Asians continued to practice Islam privately, often blending traditional customs with the state's secular ideology. The Soviet regime also sought to promote atheism through propaganda and state-sponsored education, while simultaneously exploiting the region's resources and labor. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Central Asian Muslims experienced a resurgence in religious expression, though the legacy of Soviet secularism continues to shape the region's religious landscape. • …………………………………………………………. • LINKS TO OUR VIDEO TOPICS: • • Sociology Basics • • South Central Asia • • Religion Society • • Globalization Society • • Indian Society Culture • • Evolution Revolution • • History Of Kashmir • ……………………………………………………. • Note: This video is made solely with the purpose of spreading awareness and educating the viewers. It does not provide any legal or political advice. Any opinions expressed are those of the creators and do not necessarily reflect the views of any organization or sponsors. The information demonstrated and explained in the video are true to the best of our research. Nevertheless, if any error is committed, the same was never intended to be and is absolutely unintentional. In the event of any inadvertent error, kindly contact us at [] for necessary action, to resolve any error/dispute amicably. • ……………………………………………………. • Our Social Media Handles • / sociologicaldiscourse • Blog Page/ • ……………………………………………………