How to increase your stamina with terrible video game tactics Unraveled


Get our Fit Father 30-Day Fat Loss Program here → • Get our Fit Father Old School Muscle Building Program here → • Subscribe to our channel here → • Our free resources: • 24-Min Fat Burning Workout → • 5 Best Muscle Building Exercises → • 1-Day Weight Loss Meal Plan → • ** Principle #1 to Increase My Endurance and Stamina: ** • Incorporate both Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Types of Cardio. Aerobic is lower intensity cardio (where you're able to breathe comfortably). Anaerobic exercise is high-intensity workouts (like intervals and strength circuits). Doing both of these types of workouts together will help you increase your endurance fast. • ** Principle #2 to Increase My Endurance and Stamina: ** • You can measure your endurance fitness with VO2max and Lactate Threshold. It's not necessary to track these metrics, however. These metrics will improve as you become more fit. • ** Principle #3 to Increase Your Stamina At Home: ** • Incorporate both High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) cardio. • If you’re very busy/short on time, using 20-30min of HIIT cardio is a great way to increase VO2max and Lactate Threshold. HIIT training will increase your endurance and stamina, which will translate to greater endurance when you go on your long runs/races. • KEYNOTE: If you’re looking to complete a long run/bike/race, we still do recommend you put in the miles on long endurance runs/bikes. Putting in the miles is essential for ensuring that your joints can handle the actual running, which also challenges your ability to stay mentally tough throughout the long exercise. • ** Principle #4 to Increase Your Endurance Running Pro Tip: ** • Breathe through your nose during long, low-intensity runs. Nose breathing causes your body to release Nitric Oxide, which will dilate your arteries/veins and help increase your circulation. Consider using this strategy as a tool during your LISS cardio workouts. • ** Principle #5 to Increase Your Stamina For Running: ** • Set a mileage target for the week. Over time, try to accumulate more volume. Track your mileage targets over weeks. Tracking a mileage target is essential if you're serious about learning how to increase your stamina for running and progressively increasing your mileage target will teach your body how to run longer without getting tired. • ** Principle #6 to Increase Your Endurance and Stamina: ** • Prioritize yoga and stretching to keep you limber and injury-free. The repetitive nature of running/biking can cause stress injuries, so we need to keep your muscles long and supple to avoid injury and increase your performance. • Also, try to sit the least amount possible, as sitting will tighten your hip flexors (psoas being the major muscle group) and this will likely lead to movement dysfunction and pain. • ** Principle #6.5 to Increase Your Endurance and Stamina ** • Take your nutrition as seriously as your training. For endurance athletes, prioritize protein to prevent muscle breakdown (catabolism): • PROTEIN: Shoot for 0.8-1g/lb body weight (2.2g/kg) • GOOD HEALTHY FATS: avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil • CARB TIMING: eat them around your workouts • ** Principle #6.5 to Increase Your Endurance and Stamina ** • Beta Alanine 3-5g/day can help increase your endurance and stamina by converting Lactate back into glucose. • Baking Soda is perhaps the #1 best endurance supplement that buffers lactic acid. Caution: even though baking soda is crazy effective, it can cause some “GI issues.” • Consider taking a natural anti-inflammatory as well (fish oil/curcumin). • ** Principle #7 to Increase Your Endurance ** • Use our 3.5 Pronged Approach to Increase Cardiovascular Endurance Fast: • Prong #1: HIIT (1-3x/week) • Prong #2: LISS (1-3x/week) • Prong #3: YOGA (as often as possible) • Prong #3.5: Sleep, nutrition, and supplementation (daily) • Bonus Prong: Incorporate some strength circuits to build muscle while improving your endurance. • You can vary your forms of training to incorporate running, swimming, biking, and strength training. • If you feel your lifestyle could use an improvement, then check out our FF30X 30-Day Transformation Program at → • Your friends here at the FFP, • -Dr. Balduzzi + The Men's Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project • **Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.


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