Tech Tip Photoelectric Sensors for Object Detection from AutomationDirect
Hey everyone! I wanted to show you guys some great tips and tricks that will benefit you when dying your hair at home. A lot of you have been asking me how I dye my hair by myself without causing a huge mess, so this is exactly how I do it! My natural hair color is brown which is shown in the beginning of this video, and I end up dying it Dark brown. This video is much different than my men's highlights video, so be sure to watch, like and subscribe if you haven't yet! Thanks, -Dre • Be sure to follow me on social media: • Snapchat - DreDrexler • Instagram @DreDrexler • Facebook @DreDrexler • Twitter @DreDrexler • Tumblr @DreDrexler • Vine @DreDrexler • Pinterest @DreDrexler •