Pelvic Pain in Early Pregnancy Symptoms and Tips for Relief


Period pain getting you down? This meditation for period pain and PMS has been lovingly made to ease your discomfort during your premenstrual phase and the first days of your period. • Allow yourself to be safely guided by the words spoken in a soft female voice, written and performed by a Clinical Psychologist, for a truly unique experience. • Relaxation and guided imagery can reduce pain, which so often affects us during our menstrual cycle. Sometimes it’s stomach cramps, sore breasts, back ache or headaches and other times it can be a feeling of fatigue or irritation. • Period pain affects half of all women and is a normal result of your uterus contracting. It can feel like a squeezing sensation. It’s normal and means your body is doing what it is designed to do. • PMS and period pains can make for a miserable few days when we force ourselves to continue working at the same pace as usual. This meditation encourages you to slow down and notice your energy levels. Working with instead of against your natural cycle. • Because relaxation therapy such as guided meditation are generally considered safe they can be used alongside other remedies such as heat therapy or pain medication to take the edge off your monthly discomfort. • Alongside this meditation for period pain, try using a hot water bottle or heating pad for 20 minutes. As heat therapy has been shown to be effective for reducing cramps. However, make sure to only apply heat for a short time and keep a barrier between your skin and the heat source to prevent any burning. • ❤ Clare • #periodpain #menstrualcramps #womenshealth #selfcare • • COME AND FIND ME ELSEWHERE • TO SUPPORT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR THE PRICE OF A COFFEE • • SIGN UP TO NEWSLETTER • • READ MY BLOG POSTS • • PINTEREST •   / pins   • • Disclaimer: This information should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health condition or disease and is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or healthcare provider. • Generation Calm is where you can become a master at reducing your stress and anxiety naturally in your own time, so you can keep your body and mind feeling great. Remember to hit the LIKE button and SUBSCRIBE for a new video every week @    / @generationcalm   • Music • Throat Chakra Note G Rebecca Reads Recordings


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