What Makes Anabaptists Different
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=sxfHTrw51d8
This is the first of a series of videos where Maureen and Rich are going to be talking about Anabaptism in general but then also how the Bruderhof fits into it – we consider ourselves Anabaptists even though we aren’t descended directly from the Anabaptist movement of the Radical Reformation of the 16th century. • As we discuss, the Anabaptist family includes Amish, Hutterites, Mennonites, and other groups. Although we all share many commonalities, one defining feature is our shared belief in adult baptism (believers' baptism), dating back 500 years to the Schleitheim Confession, during the Radical Reformation. • ~~~~~ • About our LIFE TOGETHER series • In this series, we take an in-depth look at a topic from a variety of perspectives across several videos. Topics will draw from experiences and challenges that the Bruderhof has learned from over the last 100 years, discussing both our experiences and answering your questions. • Our first series covered Intentional Community: • What Is Intentional Community? • Interested in a specific topic for the future? Have a question about the current topic? Let us know in the comments or by email. • ~~~~~ • What is the Bruderhof? • The Bruderhof is an intentional Christian community of people living in radical discipleship in the spirit of the first church in Jerusalem. We gladly renounce private property and share everything in common. Our vocation is a life of service to God, each other, and you. Learn more by subscribing to our channel: → https://www.youtube.com/user/Bruderho... • More info is at: • → Website: https://www.bruderhof.com • → Instagram: https://www.bruderhof.com/instagram • → Twitter: https://www.bruderhof.com/twitter • → Facebook: https://www.bruderhof.com/facebook