8 Deadliest Amazon River Snakes
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What happened today in serial killer history? Visit https://theywillkillyou.com/ for macabre murders and gruesome details you won’t find anywhere else! • Amazon Rainforest Snakes! Be aware of these creatures similar species in the South American wilderness. • Support our Patreon today: / theywillkillyou • Subscribe for new videos: http://goo.gl/SaufF4 • Follow us on Instagram: @theywillkillyou • Voiceover by Carl Mason: [email protected] • • 8 Emerald Tree Boa • Corallus caninus, also known as the emerald tree boa, is a beautifully colored snake found in the rainforests of South America. This serpent uses its body to coil around things. In addition, it also owns a set of highly developed front teeth which are proportionately larger than those of any other snake. The emerald tree boa spends most of its days coiled over branches. Because of its strong tail, it’s able to curl around or grip objects move between the branches of trees. Identified as a separate species since 2009, Corallus batesii, the Amazon Basin emerald tree boa, is darker in color than Corallus caninus larger reaching lengths of almost 9 feet. • 7 South American Bushmaster • The largest pit viper ever recorded measured close to 12 feet, making it the longest snake in the western hemisphere the largest of all vipers. On average, the South American bushmaster is the third longest snake in the world. It has a narrow neck a broadly rounded snout. Its body is cylindrical moderately stout. Its scientific name is Lachesis muta. In Greek mythology, Lachesis was one of the three Fates that gave man his term of life. In appearance it resembles a rattlesnake , much like the rattlesnake, it too vigorously vibrates its tail. • 6 Eyelash Viper • According to a myth from villagers in certain areas of South America, this pit viper species will wink flash its eyelashes. Named after the scales above its eyes, the eyelash viper is a snake frequently featured in the exotic animal trade or in zoos around the world. As a pit viper species, it’s got large fangs, similar to hypodermic needles, in its upper jaw, which fold back when they aren’t used. It also has heat sensitive organs located on either side of its head between the nostril the eye. The eyelash viper’s a relatively small snake exhibiting a wide range of colors, including green, yellow, brown, red even pink as well as combinations of these colors. Its so-called eyelashes are believed to help with camouflage as they break up the snake’s outline in the foliage. • 5 Coral Snakes • Coral snakes are among the most colorful that can be found in the Amazon Rainforest. The coloring on their bodies consists of red, yellow black bands. There are also other coral snake species , in certain regions, the order of the coloring on their bands can provide information. A mnemonic phrase that people use to remember the color lines goes, ‘Red black, a friend of Jack.” • 4 Amazonian Palm Viper • The Amazonian palm viper is a pale green snake with a slender body a maximum recorded length of 4 feet. The Amazonian palm viper is arboreal, meaning it spends most of its time in trees. Usually found along streams in bushes, palms trees. • 3 Tropical Rattlesnake • In many parts of its geographical distribution, the South American rattlesnake, also known as the tropical rattlesnake, poses a serious medical problem. With nine recognized subspecies, it’s found in various regions throughout South America with the exception of the Andes Mountains. If you’re bitten by one you can face some truly startling medical complications. • 2 Fer-de-lance • The fact that this snake is sometimes referred to as the ‘ultimate pit viper’ should eliminate any questions about this creature. The fer-de-lance is one of the snakes in South America. Easily distinguishable by its broad, flattened head, which is distinct from the rest of its body, the fer-de-lance may weigh up to 13 pounds exceptionally large females are known to reach lengths of over 8 feet. It’s been described as a fast-moving, irritable unpredictable snake species. • 1 Green Anaconda • Early South American colonists that came to the region from Europe heard tales of gigantic snakes that were more than 165 feet-long. Although an anaconda of such legendary proportions has never been found the idea might not be as incredible as it initially sounds. Green anacondas are the heaviest snakes in the world known to keep growing throughout their lives. They have a length of almost 30 feet a maximum weight of 550 pounds. Anacondas spend a lot of time in the water they’re fast swimmers.