The Rains of Castamere


This is my version of a song that appears in book 3 of George R. R. Martin's fantasy series a Song of Ice and Fire. It concerns an event in the backstory when Lord Tywin Lannister quashed the rebellion of one of his subserviant lords, while he was a yet a teenager. I was given permission to record and upload it by GRRM in person at a book-signing in London, England, November 2009. • • One warning to fans of the books: this was not an attempt to produce an authentically medieval-sounding piece. It's folkrock with electric guitars and synthesisers coming in for a crescendo at the end. I hope this doesn't jar your expectations too much. • • I am in no way associated with the HBO series based on the books. If the show makes it to a third series (yes please), there'll likely be another version of the song written for it by someone hired by HBO. I'm a big fan of both the novels and the series, so that's fine by me. Whatever happens, it's been a positive learning experience in what it takes to write and record a fully-developed piece of music. This included coming up additional lyrics; GRRM's orginal verse and chorus can be read in full at: • • • • Comments and discussion are welcome. For the benefit of people whose first experience of the story is the show, please keep it SPOILER FREE. If you want to have a spoiler-centric dicussion the most popular ASoIaF board for fans of the novels is at, here: • • • • Lastly, people who enjoy it feel free to like the vid and subscribe to my channel! Booya! XD


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