House Messes With Other Patients House MD
Hey everybody, today I'm working with Paradox to give you a brief overview of the Psych Ward DLC they are releasing for Prison Architect! Check it out here: #sponsored • ๐๐ป OTHER GAME PLAYTHROUGHS ๐๐ป • Days Gone โบ • Observation โบ • SOMA โบ • Remember Me โบ • Dead Space โบ • Deus Ex Human Revolution โบ • Bioshock โบ • A Plague Tale Innocence โบ • ๐ฅ TWITCH STREAMING ๐ฅ • / christopherodd • I currently stream a few days per week! The schedule is posted at the bottom of the twitch page. • ๐ค MY SOCIAL MEDIA ๐ค • • • • • ๐ค NEW HERE? ๐ค • Hi! My name is Christopher Odd and I’ve been playing video games on the internet for a few years. I really enjoy a variety of games but generally lean towards games with a unique and engaging story (Bioshock, The Witcher, etc), strategy/roguelike games (XCOM 2 War of the Chosen, Darkest Dungeon, etc), and RPGs (Dark Souls, Dragon Age, etc). Of course, I am always looking for great indie games too! • ๐ฎ BUY AND DOWNLOAD THIS GAME ๐ฎ • • ๐๏ธ Check out Tube Buddy to help you optimize your YouTube Videos ๐๏ธ • • ๐ผ Business Inquires Only ๐ผ • [email protected] • - - - - • Welcome to the Psych Ward! • Your prison will be more lively than ever with the arrival of the criminally insane. Lucky for you, it’s time to outfit your prison with the latest and greatest in Psych Ward management to house these unpredictable inmates. • Key Features • PLEAD INSANITY • Criminally insane inmates are unpredictable, require special care, and have their own Reputation traits for you to consider when building your prison. Let them co-exist with the general population or lock them away in a padded cell, how you manage their needs is up to you! • SHRINKS • Any prison holding the criminally insane needs a team of Psychiatrists and trained Orderlies to keep everything under control. These valuable prison staff can sedate rowdy prisoners or pull out the straitjackets when things get too rough. • DOCTOR'S NOTE • Provide counselling to the criminally insane with the new Psychiatrist’s Office. Improve their sessions by upgrading the office with leather sofas, medicine cabinets, and Rorschach tests. • IT'S GONE VIRAL • Treat your inmates with care. Subjecting your inmates to excessive suppression or punishment can cause them to turn criminally insane. • EXTRA PADDING • Psych Ward: Warden’s Edition adds padded cells along with a bundle of new objects, floors, and wall types to customize your prison. Now you can easily build a dedicated wing for the criminally insane. • TOOLS OF THE TRADE • Additional contraband, including Adrenaline Shots, Fountain Pens (Shanks), and Gold Pocket Watches, can be stolen by your prisoners, or by you in Escape Mode. • - - - - • #prisonarchitect #psychward #dlc