Cylinder head PORTING and POLISHING how to diy guide


Porting and polishing rolls: • Long reach porting mandrel: • Air die grinder: • Air die grinder (cheaper option): • Electrical die grinder if you don't have a compressor: • D4A Patreon:   / d4a   • In the video I say Most of the power comes from properly shaping the short radius - what is more true is that most power comes from properly aligning the seats and bowls . The short radius is still very important, so don't overlook anything. • The video above is a simple, condensed how to guide on cylinder head porting and polishing. It is meant for novice and inexperienced porters who want to know what is porting and polishing and how to do it with their own cylinder head. Its sort of a porting a polishing guide for dummies if you will. But it is also detailed and specific and guides the average DIY enthusiast in exactly what, where and how to do what needs to be done in order to increase the airflow and thereby the performance of your cylinder head. • The head in this video is 4age 16v bigport head from the 4age engine from my 1987 Toyota MR2 AW11. • Every cylinder head is different and there are variations in what should be done during a porting and polishing job. The specifics and details of this particular cylinder head porting and polishing job apply best to the 4age bigport head, but the general principles, tools and methods are pretty much the same for any other stage 1 mild porting job and watching this video will give you a better idea of what needs to be done and how much time is needed to successfully perform a porting and polishing job. • Check out my blog for more MR2, 4AGE, DIY, and other content. • • Here's a nice quote from the jafromobile channel: • „There are MANY, and when I say many, I mean thousands of flame war mongering pirates floating around on rough seas with a hair trigger cannon finger itching to fire if you port a head any differently than what the herd mentality says to do while porting a cylinder head„ • There is no better way to say it than this. There is no SINGLE RIGHT WAY of porting and polishing a head. Even when it comes to two identical heads (and no two really are). So before posting a hateful comment and telling me I just „ruined my head“ or started the next apocalypse, please have in mind that there are hundreds of different cylinder head applications and dozens of different approaches to porting. The porting and polishing work depends on the particular application of that head. • This is a simple, mild stage 1 porting job for a mild 4age 16v bigport engine build. The goal was to improve airflow without drastically changing the shape of the ports. • What can not be argued against is that improving airflow improves horsepower, torque and mpg. Porting and polishing improves airflow. This can not be argued against. Removing rough and sharp edges in the combustion chamber helps prevent knocking when engine compression is increased. This also can not be argued against. Everything else is the subject of debate so saying that the way someone ported and polished their head is horrible because it varies from what YOU think is right and best is wrong unless that someone used a hammer and chisel to port their head. Please do the research first and if that research objectively proves that something is wrong you are welcome to comment, and even then constructive criticism is far more helpful than insults. • What I have done has not been based on my own theories or knowledge, but on the advice and material from people who have ported dozens of 4age heads and have proven benefits of their work. • This video would not have been possible without the input, advice and help from people who have proven experience of porting 4age and other heads. • So here's a special thanks to OST, without whose advice and help I could not have ported the 4AGE 16v bigport head you see in this video. • Check out his porting services: • • • Music • Beaster - Awakening - Free Background Music No Copyright Music •    • Video   • Beaster • ► Facebook -   / beastermusic   • ► YouTube -    • Glory (Original Mix) - Beaster   • ► SoundCloud -   / beastermusic   • ► Twitter -   / beastermusic   • ► Mixcloud - • #d4a #diy #porting #portingpolishing #howto #cylinderhead #4age #4age16v #aw11 #ae86 #4agebigport #mr2mk1 #mr2 #toyota #jdm #celica #corolla #starlet #ke70 #fx16 • D4A (driving 4 answers) is part of the amazon associates program


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