Path of Diablo Mercenary Guide
In this video I go over all of the top builds and discuss which mercenaries are best for each of them. I go over all of the popular merc builds and talk about which item bases to use for runewords and how much IAS is needed to hit optimal breakpoints, as well as suggest socketables for any remaining sockets after attack speed has been taken care of. • Merc Weapons Spreadsheet/Merc Builds • 2:21 Bowazon • 5:58 Javazon • 7:12 Trap/BoI Assassin • 8:25 Whirlwind Barb • 9:36 Avatar Druid • 12:04 CE Necro • 13:18 Hemo Necro • 14:02 FoH Paladin • 15:08 Lightning Sorc • 15:35 Cold Sorc