Humidifier Maintenance Whole Home Humidifiers Western Heating Air and Plumbing


Brent with Western Heating+Air+Plumbing goes step-by-step through the maintenance required for a whole-home humidifier. • Twice a year the damper must be opened by changing the setting from summer to winter. Also, once a year the humidifier pad has to be switched out to prevent the drain from clogging. Be sure the pad is replaced right-side-up. And you might consider turning off the humidifier if you're planning to be away from home for an extended period, like Brent does. If you need a hand with any of these maintenance services, the experts at Western Heating+Air+Plumbing would be only too happy to help! • Originally founded in 1995, Western Heating+Air+Plumbing is dedicated to providing the highest quality comfort services in and around Orem and Lehi, UT. We provide repair, installation and maintenance services on furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps, as well as indoor air quality and air duct services. Our clients include homes and businesses in Utah, Salt Lake and Wasatch Counties. Our red handkerchief promise is that we will give you our very best work, done right the first time! • Schedule Your Service, Repair or Install Today! • Call us: • Orem Office: (801) 477-5917 • Lehi Office: (801) 505-9898 • Or visit us online at to schedule an estimate online or discuss our convenient and affordable financing options! • Like, subscribe, and follow us: • Facebook:   / westernheatingair   • Instagram:   / westernheatingair   • Twitter:   / westernheatair   • YouTube:    / @westernheatingandair   • LinkedIn:   / western-heating- -air-conditioning   • Check out our blog, the Handkerchief Corner: • Or check out our profile with the Better Business Bureau: • #WesternHeatingAndAir #WesternHeatingAirAndPlumbing #WesternHeatingAirCom #Heater #heatercentral #hvac #hvacservice #HvacUtah #HvacUtahCounty #hvacrepair #furnacerepair #thermostatrepair #homerepair #airconditioner #airconditionerrepair #airconditioning #fixmyAC #energyefficient #energyefficienthomes #wholehomehumidifier #homehumidityhack #wholehousehumidifier #howtocleanhumidifier • • • • • • • • • • • • • • __________________________________________________________ • Having a whole-home humidifier requires some maintenance. Let me walk you through it. • Hi. I'm Brent with Western Heating, Air, and Plumbing. today we're talking about how to maintain your whole-home humidifier. So if you have a humidifier like this one, it does require that you do something for it at least twice a year. Right here you'll notice that you have to adjust from summer to winter. This opens up the the damper and allows the air flow through the humidifier. • The other thing that's really important, you have to change the humidifier pad in the humidifier every year. If you don't do this, this can cause clogging in the drain and then you have a bigger issue on your hands. The pad is easy to replace. It's very important that you take note that it is directional. A painted stripe indicates the top of the humidifier pad. Make sure that that is placed at the top of the cartridge. • As an added precaution, I usually shut the water off to my humidifier if I'm out of town for any length of time. But that's a personal preference, certainly not something you would have to do. Changing your humidifier pad and maintaining your humidifier is a service that we provide. So please give us a call today we'd love to help you out. • __________________________________________________________ • Western Heating and Air, Western Heating Air and Plumbing,,, central air conditioner, HVAC, air filter, home air pollution, ultraviolet air purifier, home allergy relief, kids health allergy, kids health asthma, improve air quality, airborn covid19, home humidifier, steam humidifier, bypass humidifier, whole home humidifier, home humidity hack, how to clean humidifier, how to clean humidifier filter, how to change humidifier pad


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