Anatomy of a Takeover Keeping the World Company


Anatomy of a Takeover; Are we Seeing a Repetition of History in Eastern Europe (Keeping the World Company). The hosts for this show were Jay Fidell and Tim Apicella. The guests were Jean Rosenfeld and Manfred Henningsen. • The discussion was: We discuss Lithuania's historical struggles for independence and the tactics used by Soviet Russia to take over sovereign nations, exemplified by the annexation of Lithuania in 1940. Lithuania, independent from 1918 to 1941, was occupied by the Red Army under a Soviet-German pact and was integrated into the USSR through strategic appointments and the dissolution of its legislature. This is documented in the Lithuanian Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fighters in Vilnius, which highlights Soviet brutality and the resistance efforts during and after World War II. There is a clear parallels between Soviet-era tactics and Putin's strategies in Ukraine, suggesting that if Trump were to negotiate an end to the Russian war with Ukraine, Ukraine could lose its political independence under a facade of fake sovereignty. Putin, using tactics from past Soviet takeovers, would install loyalist leadership in Ukraine, just as in the historical takeover of Lithuania. The Lithuanian people’s support for Ukraine today underscores their understanding of what is at stake. Trump’s actions are likely to support Putin's expansionist ambitions and these strategies, thus sacrificing Ukraine's autonomy. • The takeaway was: The price of liberty is eternal vigilance, and we must look to history to identify trends and strategies that have happened before, especially the kind of events that are taking place now in Europe. • The YouTube Playlist for this show is:    • Keeping the World Company   • Please visit our ThinkTech website at for great content and community. • The hashtag keywords for this show are: #Manfred_Henningsen #Jean_Rosenfeld #Lithuania's_historical_struggles #Lithuanian_independence #Ukrainian_independence #tactics_by_Soviet_Russia #takeover_of_sovereign_nations #annexation_of_Lithuania #Red_Army #Soviet-German_pact #integration_into_the_USSR #strategic_appointments #dissolution_of_the_legislature #Lithuanian_Museum_of_Occupations_and_Freedom_Fighters #Vilnius #Soviet_brutality #resistance_efforts #World_War_II #Soviet-era_tactics #Putin's_strategies #Ukraine #Putin #Trump #Russia #Russian_war_with_Ukraine #loss_of_political_independence #facade_of_sovereignty #Soviet_takeovers #loyalist_leadership #historical_takeover_of_Lithuania #Putin's_ambitions #sacrifice_of_Ukraine's_autonomy #the_price_of_liberty #Europe • Our vision is to be a leader in shaping a more vital and thriving Hawaii as the foundation for future generations. Our mission is to be the leading digital media platform raising public awareness and promoting civic engagement in Hawaii. • ThinkTech Hawaii is a Hawaii Non-Profit Corporation: • President and CEO - Jay Fidell • Executive VP and COO - Carol Mon Lee • Administration Manager - Maria Sabio Padilla • ThinkTech treats this video as licensed under a creative commons license, and invites the public to view, distribute, disseminate and share it under the terms of that license. • The information in this video is not to be relied upon as legal, medical, accounting or other professional advice. For legal, medical, accounting or any other advice, please consult with your own professionals. • The views and opinions expressed by the hosts and guests in this video are their own and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of ThinkTech, its management or staff or other organizations with which our hosts and guests are associated.


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