Chitrasena Dance Company at the Colombo Dance Platform
Dances and Rhythms of Sri Lanka: This one hour programme concentrated on showcasing the sound and movement of an island people. There is a strong bond between these two artistic elements and it is considered a marriage where one cannot live without the other. It includes a diverse compilation of drums and dance acts pointing to the interdependent relationship between the dance and its drum. • Bera Nada Chalana is the title dance piece which celebrates the idea of duality, the distinct contrast in sound and in movement of the two most popular traditional dance styles of Sri Lanka -- the Kandyan and Ruhunu. • • Dancers: Thaji, Ruwini, Mithilani, Geeth, Kushan, Dayan, Priyanga • Drummers: Susantha, Prasanna, Iroshan, Priyanga, Udaya • • © 2011 Chitrasena Dance Company. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the Chitrasena Vajira Dance Foundation. • English voice over by: Arjuna Wignaraja • #dance#Kandyandance#chitrasena#chitrasenadancecompany#history#legacy#dancetheater#dancedrama#chitrasenaschoolofdance#traditionaldance#srilanka#heritage#family