मैदान के बारे मे about plain
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इस वीडियो में हम मैदान के बारे में जानेंगे- • मैदान कितने प्रकार के होते हैं खास तौर पर जानेंगे लोयस के मैदान के बारे मे और भी बहुत से तथ्य जो आपको परीक्षा मे परेशान करता है मै कोशिश करूँगा की आपको एकदम आसान भाषा मे समझाऊँ साथ ही कम से कम समय मे बताऊँ • यही पर आपको बताऊंगा डेल्टा, मैंग्रोव वनस्पति, सुंदरवन डेल्टा, जलोढ़ मैदान, भाबर मैदान, तराई क्षेत्र, खादर बांगर • भारत में कौन कौन से प्रमुख मैदान है ? • Plain has been formed by the deposition of sediments brought down by rivers, some plains have also been formed by the action of the wind, moving ice and tectonic activities. • When plains are formed by glacial deposits, they are called Glacial or Drift Plains. • When plains are formed by the river deposits, they are called riverine or alluvial plains. • The depositions of sediments in a lake give rise to a Lacustrine Plain or Lake Plains. The Valley of Kashmir is an example of a lacustrine plain. • When the wind is the major agent of deposition, those plains are called Loess Plains. • Thus, we can conclude that the Drift Plain is formed due to the work of the glaciers.Mistake Points • A delta is a sediment deposit formed at the mouth of a river where it enters a larger body of water. • As the river flows, it carries sediment that is eventually deposited in the slower-moving waters of the larger body. • Over time, the sediment builds up and forms a delta, which can take the shape of a triangle or fan. • Deltas can grow and change over time as the river continues to deposit sediment, and can also be affected by other factors such as sea level changes, tides, and waves. • • Depositional plains • edit • The types of depositional plains include: • . • Alluvial plains, which are formed by rivers and which may be one of these overlapping types: • Alluvial plains, formed over a long period of time by a river depositing sediment on their flood plains or beds, which become alluvial soil. The difference between a flood plain and an alluvial plain is: a flood plain represents areas experiencing flooding fairly regularly in the present or recently, whereas an alluvial plain includes areas where a flood plain is now and used to be, or areas which only experience flooding a few times a century. • Erosional plains • edit • Erosional plains have been leveled by various agents of denudation such as running water, rivers, wind and glacier which wear out the rugged surface and smoothens them. Plain resulting from the action of these agents of denudation are called peneplains (almost plain) while plains formed from wind action are called pediplains. • Alluvial plains: • Alluvial plains are vast, sweeping stretches of plain land that are formed by the deposition of sediments called alluvium. An alluvial plain usually includes floodplains as part of its area but extends beyond such plains. An alluvial plain represents the pattern of floodplain shift over geological time. As a river flows down mountains or hills, it carries sediments resulting from erosion and transports the sediments to the the sediments build up over time, the elevation of the floodplain increases while the width of the river channel decreases. Unable to bear the pressure, the river now looks for an alternative course with a higher channel capacity. Thus, the river forms a meander and flows through a new channel. In this way, floodplains continue growing and adding up to form massive stretches of alluvial plains. The Indo-Gangetic Plain in India and the Po Valley in Italy are examples of alluvial plains. • Lava plain • A lava field can also be referred to as a lava plain. Such a plain is formed by the accumulation of layers of lava. The lava plains can stretch for miles and are easily visible from the air or in satellite images where they appear darker in color than the surrounding landscape. • Viral #aspirants #education #gs #gk #trending #focus #allgk #allinone #tricky • / @kumaramit42335