Braaap Moto4 NEW BIKE DAY
I did not go around advertising this however, my Mum unfortunately was involved in a motorcycle accident a few months ago and her bike was irreparable. Luckily she walked away from the crash with a broken arm, cracked lung and concussion. She was very lucky. I saw the whole thing. I may talk about it in another video. ANYWAY, she was leasing a Moto4 from Braaap and fell in love with it. So much so that she purchased one on their build to order promo. So here we are, 3 months later and a limited edition red model of the Moto4. • • Moto4 purchased at • Gear spoken about in this video from • While you're here, might as well check out Mac Moto Motions socials • / macmotomotions • / ucw-oktpm1e4dm8gjccvqzjw • Kyle