Gear Review Mammut Saentis GORETEX Low
Hello, I bought these Mammut shoes in late February and have been using them to run sidewalks during rainstorms or when the sprinklers are on heavy. Using them lightly over the last few months I have noticed a few things I absolutely dislike. I am going to reach out to Mammut about the shoes. The fact that they trap rocks, seeds and the like is not ok for my uses and location. The mesh makes no sense to me either. I would as soon cut it out if it was not the only thing stopping rocks from embedding between layers of rubber, where your toes meet the shoes bottom. The stitching being right where the heel rubs has seperated the liner after only a few uses. Not able to say much positive for them as they also cause my pinky toe on my right foot great discomfort with the aggressive toe box. I love Mammut and 99 percent of what I own is from them. This is 2 out of 5 shoes I have bought that were not good purchases. The history of Mammut Boots and Shoes is rich and I love the brand. Lets see how it goes from here. # Mammut #gtx #shoes #review #Raichle #goretex #michelin #michelintread