Producer Consumer Pattern With Java Example
The Producer Consumer Pattern is a work load distribution pattern where the number of worker threads is decoupled from the number of tasks they have to execute. In this video I explain how the producer consumer pattern works in multithreading. You can also implement the producer consumer pattern with processes (instead of threads), but since this video is part of a playlist about Java Concurrency, I will focus on how the producer consumer pattern looks for threads. • Chapters: • 0:00 Producer consumer pattern introduction • 4:01 Producer consumer pattern use cases • 4:24 Reduce foreground thread latency - GUI app • 7:21 Reduce foreground thread latency - server • 9:50 Load balance between worker threads - recap • 10:40 Backpressure management • 13:50 Producer consumer Java code example • The Producer Consumer Pattern - text: • • Java BlockingQueue - text / video: • • • Java BlockingQueue • Java Concurrency - text / video playlist: • • • Java Concurrency and Multithreading